Stanton Healthcare - Local Partnership

Stanton Healthcare is one of our local ministries that we have the joy of partnering with here at True Hope Collister.  Their ministry focuses on providing free high quality medical care and compassionate alternatives to abortion for women who are facing unexpected pregnancies.  One of my personal favorite things about Stanton is how they don’t just exist for women to find hope for the life of their baby, but also, for women to find life in the hope of Jesus.  Stanton can be seen as an extension of the church as they come alongside women and families who are abortion vulnerable and who often are feeling afraid and alone.  In fact, 90% of the women who walk through Stanton’s doors report feeling pressured to have an abortion from someone that they trust.  Just as Jesus advocated for the lost, the vulnerable, the oppressed, and for everyone who put their trust in Him, Stanton advocates for women by educating them about what is happening inside of their bodies, by providing them free medical care and resources, and most importantly, by helping them to fix their eyes on Jesus who provides hope, healing, and redemption no matter what the circumstance. 

When dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, care and compassion need to go beyond just that first ultrasound photo.  Women need to know that they are not alone and that they have help every step of the way so that it’s not just about the birth of a baby, but about raising a child.  Some of the free resources and programs that Stanton has to offer are: early detection pregnancy testing, STD testing, ultrasounds, an abortion pill reversal program, client advocacy and options counseling, childbirth and parenting classes, mom’s groups, and maternity and baby supplies for the first two years after the baby is born. Stanton also provides referrals for OB/GYN care, housing, legal advice, and adoption.  They also offer a confidential care program for women who have already had an abortion and who are now struggling with feelings of pain and regret.  These women are wrapped in the love of Jesus as His gospel works in their hearts to restore, heal, and set them free.  Stanton is able to provide all of these resources free of charge in large part, through their partnerships with local churches in the Treasure Valley and by having them host a baby bottle drive, which raises critical funding for Stanton’s clinics.  True Hope Collister participates in the baby bottle drive each spring so be sure to keep an eye on the events section of our website and in the announcements. 

Ideas for Missional Communities 

If your missional community group is looking for ways that they can serve Stanton Healthcare beyond the annual baby bottle drive, below is a list of ideas.  For all of the ideas that contain supplies, Stanton already has bags and baskets to put them in so just bring your items as a group to one of the clinics and be sure to let them know that you are from True Hope Collister! 

  • Gather supplies for “Bonding Bags”. These bags are given to moms at the time she learns that she is pregnant and contain special items to help her start to bond and connect with her unborn baby. These bags can include small “Lovie” blankets (18”-24” square fabric with a border of fun textures or ribbons), an ultrasound photo frame, a baby’s first Christmas ornament, the book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting (5th edition only, you can find on Amazon), and mint or ginger tea bags or pregnancy suckers to help with morning sickness.

  • Gather supplies for “Mom Bags”. These bags are given to moms to help them feel loved and cared for right along with her baby. These should be quality, unused items and can include hand lotions, body creams, bath salts, bath bombs, loofahs, nail products, face masks, foot soaks, lip care, Lansinoh Lanolin nipple cream, chocolates, and a small candle.

  • Gather baby supplies to help welcome the new baby and provide support for new families. Supplies can include new or very gently used baby clothing sizes premie-24 months, receiving or swaddling blankets, burp cloths, wash cloths and towels, baby lotion and wash, diapers sizes newborn-6, baby’s first Bible, small developmental toys or stuffed animals, and blue, purple, or grey collapsible storage cubes for display.

  • Write thank you cards to the Stanton staff and volunteers. In 2021, Stanton volunteered 13,202 hours which totaled to $369,656 in donated time. These individuals often work behind the scenes at Stanton yet are directly impacted by the women and babies who come through their doors, often times being exposed to some heartbreaking stories. Have your group write thank you cards letting the staff and volunteers know that you appreciate them and that you value the work that they are doing. You can deliver the cards as a group or mail them to: 2176 E. Franklin Rd. Suite 130 Meridian, ID 83642. If you deliver the cards in person, consider bringing some flowers to give to the front desk. You will make their day!

  • Run a table as a group at a Stanton event. Email to find out about upcoming event opportunities.

  • Challenge each other over the next two weeks to find someone who has never heard about Stanton and take the time to share the ministry of Stanton with them. Simply creating more awareness of Stanton can help save and support the lives of both moms and babies. Plus, you never know who might want to start getting involved with Stanton. Recently, I shared Stanton with my daughter’s preschool teacher who then shared it with their pastor which led to their entire church participating in a diapers and wipes drive for Stanton Healthcare. It was wonderful to witness!

How to talk to your children about Stanton Healthcare

One question that I sometimes receive from parents is how to know what to say to their children when it comes to Stanton, especially around the time of the baby bottle drive at church.  This answer can vary depending on the age of your children but here are some general guidelines that I hope you find helpful.

  • Elementary-aged children: For children this young, I would suggest simply telling them that sometimes there are moms and dads who do not feel ready to have a baby and that Stanton is there to help them with baby supplies and medical care. This is a great opportunity to share the importance of community with them and to teach them about being a light for Jesus by blessing others. This is also a great time to teach them about how God values life and how every single person is created in His image—giving all people incredible value and purpose. All three of my children are currently in this age group and they have loved going with me to Stanton to help deliver diapers, wipes, and other supplies. It excites them to know that there is a way for them to help and get involved, and I love how they are becoming aware at such a young age that a place like Stanton exists.

  • Middle school/Junior High school-aged pre-teens and teens: I cannot stress enough that as a parent, you know your child best and what he or she has the ability to understand. I would suggest having a series of conversations around sex (not just a one and done) that take into account their maturity and that aim to answer the direct questions they ask. As soon as your teen has received sexual education however, conversations surrounding sexual integrity and unexpected pregnancies should be taking place. Reinforce God’s design and value for life, His design and plan for sex within marriage, introduce the topic of abortion, and further discuss the ministry of Stanton and how they provide compassionate alternatives to abortion. Perhaps you can even consider volunteering together at Stanton. Designate your home as a “safe home” for your teens and your teen’s friends to come get help if they ever were to find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. Creating an environment of trust between you and your child is vital at every single age and will help immensely with their ability to come to you to ask questions and for help in the future.

  • High school-aged teens and young adults: At this age, it is very likely that your young adult has already known someone who has become pregnant unexpectedly. It is also likely that abortion will be a topic for discussion and debate in their U.S. Government class. It is critical to be having Bible-based, open conversations with them about sex, marriage, relationships, abortion, and pregnancy resource centers such as Stanton—but don’t feel like you need to talk about it every week (conversations like these can actually become less effective if a young adult feels like that’s all a parent talks about). Keep designating your home as a “safe home” and continue to look for opportunities to serve together at Stanton or to help spread awareness about their ministry. Ultimately, the very best thing that you can do as their parent is to support them in their walk and relationship with Jesus—as it is His Spirit who works in their hearts to direct the steps of their lives. This is also true at every age of your child’s life. So try not to stress as we don’t do any of this alone—for we have an advocate!

Thank you True Hope Collister for your help and support of Stanton Healthcare.  It blesses my heart greatly to see the love and care that you have towards mothers and babies through your giving and through your serving.  If you ever have any questions regarding Stanton and their services, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. 

Breanna Eaton

Stanton Church Liaison for True Hope Collister     


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