The Reality of Opposition

Risk is a part of the equation when we say yes to God and His vision for our lives. What do we risk? We risk facing opposition. As we continue looking at the story of Nehemiah, we see a fantastic example of how to know, understand and face our opposition as well as connect to the resources God gives us to engage that opposition. We must live life with a sword in one hand and a shovel in the other. We are both soldiers and builders. Through relationship with the Father, we will discover the ability to live out this truth in the everyday stuff of life and the wisdom to know when to function as either soldier or builder.

Nehemiah 4:1-23

Bottom Line: As God reveals His vision for our lives, we must prepare for opposition as we say yes to Him. We engage opposition by living spiritually dependent while staying practically engaged. How do we approach opposition?


Oppression from Within


Rebuilding with Action